Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Shadow Self

Celestial Blessings

The Angels asked me to talk about the shadow self in my message today, and it’s uncanny as I have noticed lately quite a few people who refuse to accept their shadow selves.

So what is the shadow self? The shadow self is the darker side of our personality which has been repressed, hidden and denied. It could have been shaped by our parents, siblings, friends and teachers and it is a part of ourselves that we do not want others to know about us as it does not match that which we wish to portray ourselves to be to the world. We each wear a mask that hides what we believe others would think of as ugly, yet they too are thinking the same thing as you and wearing their own self made mask. It is the part of us which we despise and refuse to accept as being part of us so we try to discard it. There are many ways we try to do this but the number one preferred way is by projecting our own fears onto others.

Looking within at the shadow self is our number one tool for enlightenment and ascension, so you can understand how important it is for us to uncover the truth about ourselves TO ourselves and accept them and claim them. You may find people claim you to be a certain way and you find yourself saying “but I am not like this” and this is because we each have blind spots that where we cannot see the truth about ourselves. Of course the person making the statement about you is also projecting their shadow self onto you, but this is a pattern of our race; a constant chain reaction of realization and synchronized events which we need in order to heal. I admit it isn’t easy to confront our shadow self and needs a lot of courage and time and hard work but how much you want to a peaceful life depends on you. When you are able to face yourself one to one then your life will be far more enjoyable and happy.

I receive so many email and have read on so many forums the phrase “I’m no good at manifesting” and also “nothing ever goes right in my life; there is just one problem after another” and “Nothing good ever happens to me” or “am I cursed? Why do I have such bad luck?” Understand that these people are MASTERS in the art of manifestation as their doom and gloom thought forms are manifesting negative events into their lives thick and fast. It is impossible that they are not creating their reality by cause and effect as everything we think, feel or do has an effect.

Then there are those that blame all of their short comings on everyone else. “It is HER fault why this happened to me.” Or “someone has cursed me I know it!” and “You are the reason why I am so unhappy!”. It isn’t easy to accept that whatever happens to us is our own responsibility. It isn’t easy to accept that whatever negative happens to us is because we accept it. So why do we accept it? It is because the shadow part of ourselves is repressed and hidden by us and we do not face that this part of us contains the “I’m not worthy” phrase a lot of us own. So you see, facing our demons can prevent allowing others to hurt us in the numerous ways that others can…and all because we LET them. Under the mask that we wear the shadow self seethes and infests as the more darkness it knows the more like a bacteria it becomes which results in self abuse, addictions, subconsciously entering into an abusive relationship, lying, betrayal, pain and so forth.

Ultimately from time to time the shadow finds an escape and surfaces, rips off the mask we wear and takes center stage for all to see. This can be in the form of anger tantrums, being argumentative, jealousy and generally being hurtful to others. When it finally runs out of steam and has been spent, we are left feeling ashamed and embarrassed and may wonder where it came from, that it is not like us to be like this.

The shadow self can also manifest itself in dreams; you may have recurrent dreams about a man or a woman who is ugly or scares you and you are being chased or trying to escape them. You may close your eyes and see a fiendish face looking back at you. You may look into a mirror and see a face you have never seen before. All these can be your shadow selves trying to emerge, trying to be healed because the shadow self is what we are healing when we work on the self. But how can this be done when we hide them away like dirty laundry? This is part of you! Face yourself, get to know this shadow for when you face this shadow you stop BEING the shadow in your life.

When we believe we do not feel anger anymore or impatience etc we have to ask ourselves have we REALLY healed? Or have we just buried it so far down that we believe it doesn’t exist anymore? Sadly, unless you have faced yourself and your shadow, it is still there, waiting to erupt and surface again.

All the shadow self wants is light, love and acceptance. All the shadow self wants is recognition and a chance to be noticed by you. Once you begin to shine a glow on the shadow self it is easier and less scary to look at. After all, this IS you, it is a part of you, so to be wholly healed you must heal ALL of you, not just the parts that you deem as acceptable.

Love and Light,


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Marvelous Mastic - A Resin Of substance!

Celestial Blessings

It’s funny how the ingredients we have cooked with for years have spiritual and magical uses as well as culinary that we didn’t know about. I think one of the most exciting moments is discovering an alternative use for herbs and spices that we have in our own kitchen cabinets.

This is why our blessed Mother Earth is the giver of all life and goodness, and why we should accept her bounties with thanks and joy.

One of the resins I love to work with is Mastic gum. This resin has been used in Greek and Arabic cooking for centuries, flavouring sweets with its gorgeous aromas.

‘Pistacia lentiscus’ (Mastic) is an evergreen shrub which produces an aromatic, ivory coloured resin, also known as mastic (or mastix), which is harvested as a spice from the cultivated mastic trees grown in the south of the Greek island of Chios in the Aegean Sea, where it is also known by the name "Chios Tears". Originally liquid, it is sun dried into drops of hard, brittle, translucent resin. When chewed, the resin softens and becomes a bright white and opaque gum.

It is the chewing part of this resin that gave it its name, Mastic. The word mastic derives either from the Greek verb mastic Hein ("to gnash the teeth", origin of the English word masticate) or massein ("to chew").

As a spice, it continues to be used in Greece and Cyprus to flavour spirits and liquors (such as Chios's native drinks of Mastichato and mastica), chewing gum and a number of cakes, pastries, spoon sweets and desserts. Sometimes it is even used in making cheese. Mastic resin is a key ingredient in Dondurma (Turkish ice cream), and Turkish puddings granting those confections its unusual texture and bright whiteness. In Lebanon and Egypt, the spice is used to flavour many sauces, ranging from soups to meats to desserts, while in Morocco smoke from the resin is used to flavour water. In Turkey, Mastic is used as a flavor of Turkish delight. Recently, a Mastic flavoured fizzy drink has also been launched.

Mastic resin is a key ingredient in Greek festival breads, for example the sweet bread ‘Tsoureki’ and in Cyprus it is used to flavour ‘Flaounes’ which are baked at Easter. Furthermore, Masticha also is essential to ‘Myron’, the holy oil used for Chrismation by the Orthodox Churches.

As well as its culinary uses, Mastic continues to be used for its gum and medicinal properties. The resin is used as a primary ingredient in the production of cosmetics such as toothpaste, lotions for the hair and skin, and perfumes.

Regarding health benefits, Mastic is chewed to alleviate stomach cramps and upsets. People in the Mediterranean region have used mastic as a medicine for gastrointestinal ailments for several thousand years. The first century Greek physician and botanist, Dioscorides, wrote about the medicinal properties of mastic in his classic treatise De Materia Medica ("About Medical Substances").

Regular consumption of mastic has been proven to absorb cholesterol, thus easing high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks. Mastic oil also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and as such is widely used in the preparation of ointments for skin disorders and afflictions. It is also used in the manufacture of plasters (band aids).

Magically, Mastic helps with psychic powers, manifestations and lust. During a meditation, mastic can be burnt on hot self lighting charcoal or used in any spell. Mastic corresponds with Sunday, so Sunday is a great day to burn it as incense. It can also be burnt during offerings, initiations and if you want to cleanse your home or workspace.

Perfumes: Mastic perfume corresponds with Wednesday and is a good perfume for Wednesdays.

As its astrological correspondence is the Sun, Gum mastic (as an herbal gum) may be used in as an ingredient or substitute for magic spells and formulas related to solar matters (healing, illumination, magical power, physical energy, protection, success, and putting an end to legal matters).

Mastic also corresponds with Sun Gods, Goddesses and Archangels such as Michael, Brigid, and Helios.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!

Helen xxx

Sources of information:

Helen Demetriou

Monday, 25 January 2010


Celestial Blessings xxx

I have always wondered why people who follow the laws of attraction find it so hard to manifest. Granted, I don't always get what i want and then i realise this is a real lesson for me. Why didn't i get what i wanted? Ah, there you go; the word 'wanted'. The universe answers us when it is a true need and not a want as what we want comes from our ego and the word need is what we truly, well, need :)

But then we come onto the question of, well why do people manifest for themselves tons of cash. surely it is not 'needed', right? So now we face another dilemma. What are doing wrong?

I have discovered on my path of manifestation that to truly get what you want, you truly have to believe you will have it. I then discovered that this can only come about if our subconscious and conscious are perfectly aligned. There always seems to be a catch, doesn't there? Oh well. I guess if you really mean business about withdrawing your dreams from the universe, you really need to sit down and reflect DEEPLY.

Take a look at my video on the Law of Attraction / Manifestation and let me know what you think. Click the link below:

Join me on YouTube!

Celestial Blessings xxx

The new year started without much ado yet on the creative front I have been adding new videos onto YouTube almost daily. I invite you to take a look, subscribe, comment and rate! Below is the link to my YouTube channel:

The videos I have been making help those seeking spiritual enlightenment to really connect with the Divine on a deeper level.